Come on through the Hamiltons!
For a recent editorial shoot for FashionBombDaily,Lauren and her hubby Cameron touch on the trending movement for black emancipation and equality..
I want people to see that while we can confidently stand as individuals, we bring so much more to the table when we stand together...
I want people to see that Black Lives Matter, Black Beauty Matters, and Black Fashion Matters.
I want people to feel the love that Lauren and I have for each other; I wish to instill a sense of urgency in valuing Black Lives and a sense of hope that the type of love we share is possible. I believe that love conquers all and I want others to believe that too.
As for Lauren, the photos went deeper than the surface. She tells Fashion Bomb Daily, “I hope that these photos represent to the world that Love conquers all, regardless of your race, sex, religion or orientation.
Until we learn to appreciate & value people for who they are on the inside instead of the outer appearance we will continue to cheat ourselves out of the most beautiful things about human existence.
Love knows no boundaries and we are most powerful when we come together in solidarity and unity. I’m so honored that Cam and I represent just that; LOVE and LIGHT based purely on loving each other for who we are as people, our character as human beings and the light of our spirits.
Regardless of surface aesthetics,we connected as two people traveling on this journey called life, working to contribute to this world to make it a better place for our (future) children and grandkids
Such Apt message!
More shots below..
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