The serial entrepreneur chose this number and sparkled as she stepped for a recent event..

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I experienced a lot of disappointments too. I learnt to pick myself up after each setback without losing who I am, it isn’t the easiest thing to do but I literally had to speak words of life, positive affirmations (Godfessions) #2018Lessons— Toke Makinwa (@tokstarr) December 27, 2018
I experienced a lot of disappointments too. I learnt to pick myself up after each setback without losing who I am, it isn’t the easiest thing to do but I literally had to speak words of life, positive affirmations (Godfessions) #2018Lessons— Toke Makinwa (@tokstarr) December 27, 2018
This year I stopped complaining and changed things. I hated my body, I fixed it, (best decision ever). I hated hanging around certain people who made me feel small; I dropped them, I learnt to forgive (I still struggle but it’s a journey), I learnt to be at peace. #2018Lessons— Toke Makinwa (@tokstarr) December 27, 2018
Oooooh I also learnt that life is not black and white, there are shades of grey. You don’t know it all. You don’t have to understand everyone’s journey but it’s your duty to respect it. Nobody Holy pass #2018Lessons— Toke Makinwa (@tokstarr) December 27, 2018
I learnt the power of compassion. We are all saved by grace and grace alone. Stopped thinking you are better that the next person, if you were in their shoes, you may do worse. Life happens to everyone and it’ll humble you #2018Lessons— Toke Makinwa (@tokstarr) December 27, 2018
This year I tried to give Love a Chance again but let’s just say “if a fish and a bird fell in love, where would they make home”??? Still figuring me out but it was the best times I had #2018Lessons— Toke Makinwa (@tokstarr) December 27, 2018
This year I tried to give Love a Chance again but let’s just say “if a fish and a bird fell in love, where would they make home”??? Still figuring me out but it was the best times I had #2018Lessons— Toke Makinwa (@tokstarr) December 27, 2018
This year I learnt to accept things for what they are. Some people come in to your life to play a role, I call them travelers, when their job is done, let them go. Stop trying to make permanent what is temporal, you’ll lose the beauty of it all. #2018Lessons— Toke Makinwa (@tokstarr) December 27, 2018