Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Actor Richard Mofe Damijo RMD Shares Heartfelt Birthday Message For Wife Jumobi Adegbesan.

Jumobi Adegbesan

The actor whom so many people still have a crush on is celebrating his wife today..

He shares..

 "Love of my life. My Quarterback. My Rock. My wife. I am everything I am cos u love me. Warts'n All. Ur d one God gave me to love me as I am. 16 years later see where we are. See how I am. U make it all look beautiful. Mother of my children. My Adumaradan. I know u'll rather I don't bring u out here but I will love them to know the OTHER source of my strength and pride. Thank u baby for keeping my feet on d ground and making it real. Ur my HERO. I love u. Happy birthday my ABK."

Happy Birthday Jumobi!  Amazing how Jumobi is so private now I remember her days on AIT before RMD snatched her away from TV lol.. 

RMD was previously married to another popular Lady Mee before she passed on..

1 comment:

  1. Love sweet sha... See her warmybroady smiles...

    Greetings from.... leXHansplaCE


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