A very bizarre story of Rachel Dolezal, the Spokane NAACP*(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) insert cue COLORED PEOPLE! president recently outed for posing as a black woman,
I am not sure which is worse,the fact that she is purely white,denied her parents,taught courses in university about supposed black people problems, and issues, has claimed to be the victim of a number of hate crimes amongst other things.. or the fact that she actually denied her own parents!!
She was outed when a white couple from Montana came forward to claim that Dolezal is their daughter.
They seemed to have been oblivious of the fact that their daughter had been passing off as black lady for nearly a decade!
Lawrence and Ruthanne Dolezal's say they first heard about Rachel's "black" exploits in Spokane, WA back in 2007.
Rachel had risen to become the leader of the NAACP's Spokane chapter, while apparently representing herself as being black.
Her parents admitted Rachel's wanted nothing to do with them and only came out to speak because a reporter contacted them to confirm their identity and Rachel's.
They say at first ... they thought Rachel was just expressing the fact she "identified" as black ... but it did eventually took a more serious turn.
They also say she started immersing herself in African-American culture as far back as 1995, when she was in college.
It howver doesn't sound like they regret keeping their daughter's secret.
For its part, the NAACP says it stands behind Dolezal and her advocacy record speaks for itself.

The ohotos definitely show she was white, and I am sure her finances must have a dent due to tanning bills lotions,sprays,sunbeds..
Dolezal's secret started to reveal itself when a reporter asked if she was African American and claimed a black man's photo to be that of her dad!
There's more! Continue ..
Her parents have also spoken to CNN that she wasnt adopted. Her birth certificate has also found it way online..
Racheal photgraphed flanked by her parents at her 2000 wedding,she's now divorced.
And of course trust social media to weigh in as the hastags #AskRachel and #RachealDolezal have been trending with various hilarious reactions and memes!

NAACP has however released a statement on the issue..

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