Emeh blogs @ misspetitenigeria.blogspot.com and I think she is a fantastic writer..Here's her latest piece below..
"I rarely party.As a matter of fact, it takes a lot of coercing to have me attend one but, my friend's boyfriend was having a get together at the Bar beach .It was the perfect spot because it was just by the road so my claustrophobic nature was at ease...
Despite this open environment, it was strictly by invitation and there was adequate security to ensure that.
On getting to the venue with my friend, There were alot of good-looking people with a mix of expatriates.The Dj was churning out the right music..lots of Nigerian music too..
More when you continue..
For one who isn't a party girl, I was totally enjoying this. Perhaps the handsome man telling me about his last trip to Paris and how exotic I looked got into my head. Or the drop-dead gorgeous Italian boy who had me nodding to everything he said,though his thick Spanish accent made it difficult to keep up with the conversation . The only thing I heard loud and clear was.."You've got the eyes of a goddess ....exotic " I thought to myself(see wash)and smiled....
In general it was a beautiful party, little chit chat, free flowing cocktails and lovely people.
It was now 8 pm and this party was devoid of the normal Chaos associated with beach parties...except for occasional whistles from passer-bys, it was a lovely and classy party
So we thought......
Then it happened. The sound of screeching tyres bolted us from our secluded chatter as we turned to face the direction the sound emanated from .It was a bus(danfo)carrying about 10 boys and 2 girls. From their loud voices and the half bottles of local gin/alomo some were holding,it wasn't hard to decipher they were drunk.Then they started walking in the direction of our party and before we could say jack Robinson, we watched these set of unknown boys run towards our party venue chorusing to Wizkid's Caro which the DJ just switched to..
"Oh no! Stop them stop them".An Italian screamed at the top of his voice .
All these boys who were obviously drunk over powered the security detail, finding their way into the party and towards the bar where a bar man was serving cocktails non- stop.
The host considered calling the police but was cautioned to let these area boys have a glass of cocktail each and explain to them it was a private party.
Then they were served drinks and before the bar man could get to the second person. The first had gulped down his cocktail and requested for a refill.
After taking about 3 rounds each, they decided to interact with us. One with the dirtiest dreadlocks I've ever seen walked up to me dancing and i stylishly excused myself and took a seat with 3 London returnees who were visibly shaken and appalled " can some one call the police, I'm scared.Ewwwwww.Duhhhhh" One of the ladies said in her fake British accent..
"I'm leaving this party if these guys don't leave " Another corroborated.
While the chatter was on, these area boys had formed pairs and we're dancing to Nigerian jams. They had completely overtaken the party, , shouting and exchanging hand shakes .All attempts by the host to make them leave peacefully failed. Then we realized the problem was the atmosphere was conducive for them and the music was fuelling their desire to stay. So the Host quietly told the Dj to switch the music to blues.
Great, all it took was slow music and these intruders would be gone we thought. To our surprise these guys continued dancing to Elton John's sacrifice without missing a beat.
We were stunned, the host said they wouldn't last through three more songs, he told the Dj to play some Barry White music, still yet, these boys didn't falter. They continued to dance and raise their hands up like they understood what the music was about.
All this while, they kept asking for refills.
We were fed up. Then the Dj decided to switch to to Spanish music and they danced even harder. The funny thing was, with every song change, they hailed the Dj. After nearly 45 minutes of realizing these guys were never going to go, the host told the bar man to shut down and say drinks were finished. To our surprise, they stopped dancing. The leader signalled to one of his boys and he dashed out of the party with such speed we were scared. Minutes later, he returned with a Carton of dry gin /Alomo from the boot of their bus.
They opened it and placed it on the table and started re filling our glasses and he went to the Dj and said " ogbemi, i like this your music, dey fire dey go" and gave him a small bottle of dry gin as a reward.
It was clear they were there to stay and at that moment, one of the Italians who obviously loved the gin asked for more and as his glass was refilled he stood up and started to dance, joined by his friends and a little while later, we were up on our feet dancing, We were not going to let some intruders mess out night up.
Besides they obviously wanted to play and not harm us. We started to dance in a secluded part of the cubicle and didn't even notice when we all started having fun, blended with the area Boys and we all danced the night away to Wizkid's Jaiye Jaiye......"
❤️XoXo Emeh Achanga❤️
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