Thursday, 20 March 2014

Is This The World's Fattest Baby;8 Month Old Colombian Baby Weighs More Than A Six Year Old!

Colombia's most obese baby Santiago Mendoz (pictured with therapist Salvador Palacios) - who weighs the same as a six-year-old child - has been 'rescued' by a charity so he can undergo life-saving treatment

Volunteers from Medellin-based Chubby Hearts foundation (Gorditos de Corazon) stepped in to transport the boy after his mother Eunice Fandiño wrote in asking for help

Colombia's most obese baby - who weighs the same as a six-year-old child - has been ‘rescued’ by a charity so he can undergo life-saving treatment.

Santiago Mendoza who at eight months already tips the scales at 3.1-stone! was flown from his home in the northeastern city of Valledupar to the capital Bogota on Sunday.

Volunteers from Medellin-based Chubby Hearts foundation (Gorditos de Corazon) stepped in to transport the boy after his mother Eunice Fandiño wrote in asking for help.


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