So popular blogger Linda Ikeji did an exclusive story which she claimed was sent by Actress Yvonne's team that she was going to produce a film and was going to feature controversial ex Iyanya.
Well Linda kind of failed to confirm that Yvonne wasnt actually the producer but Elvis chuks.She later edited the story but Yvonne had already called her out on twiiter for writing false gist about her..
And guess who else joined in the battle..yea you guessed right "defender sister" Laura Ikeji..
Check out the tweets below..
Hi @lindaikeji pls be accurate with stories involving my name. Thank you
— Yvonne Nelson (@yvonnenelsongh) January 7, 2014
OMG @lindaikeji you changed your previous story right?? I'm sure you feel bad about it. Get it right next time. Good you edited it.
— Yvonne Nelson (@yvonnenelsongh) January 7, 2014
2things define you.....
— Yvonne Nelson (@yvonnenelsongh) January 7, 2014
Your patience when you have nothing.....
— Yvonne Nelson (@yvonnenelsongh) January 7, 2014
......and your attitude when you have everything....yn*
— Yvonne Nelson (@yvonnenelsongh) January 7, 2014
A team. I have family and crew members I work on projects with.this is really childish. The world saw your story so stop it. It's a new year
— Yvonne Nelson (@yvonnenelsongh) January 7, 2014
The story and tries to get approval from readers. Now claim my team n myself sends stories? I don't have your phone number etc..I don't have
— Yvonne Nelson (@yvonnenelsongh) January 7, 2014
A team. I have family and crew members I work on projects with.this is really childish. The world saw your story so stop it. It's a new year
— Yvonne Nelson (@yvonnenelsongh) January 7, 2014
Iyanya set to star in Yvonne Nelson's movie http://t.co/ScfwZ25Yaq
— Linda Ikeji (@lindaikeji) January 7, 2014
@yvonnenelsongh You and Iyanya are not set to star in a movie called The Ransom? What's inaccurate about that? It's not ur movie I hear..
— Linda Ikeji (@lindaikeji) January 7, 2014
@lindaikeji a movie I don't know about?? What is this about? Really. Who is the producer? Where is the script? Why don't I know?
— Yvonne Nelson (@yvonnenelsongh) January 7, 2014
@heiress_k here's what some of these pple do. They send out half truths via their publicists to bloggers and then go on twitter to deny it..
— Linda Ikeji (@lindaikeji) January 7, 2014
@heiress_k all of it is just to be in the news. Just confirmed it wasn't her movie but she sent someone to tell me it was lol. these people
— Linda Ikeji (@lindaikeji) January 7, 2014
@yvonnenelsongh lol. The things I don't say about u people. U my darling sent some1 to tell me it's ur movie. U want to trend today, ba? lol
— Linda Ikeji (@lindaikeji) January 7, 2014
@yvonnenelsongh Just found out its not actually ur movie but Elvis Chuks movie. Anything to stay in the news, right? Lol. At ur service..
— Linda Ikeji (@lindaikeji) January 7, 2014
@heiress_k @yvonnenelsongh she's so desperate to be in the news, it's pathetic. Normally, I would ignore but she needs to calm the heck down
— Linda Ikeji (@lindaikeji) January 7, 2014
@lindaikeji @heiress_k @yvonnenelsongh Lmaooo who is desperate to stay int he news out of the both of you? She's an actress u just a blogger
— Her (@cynderwell) January 7, 2014
@lindaikeji really!!!! Smh😏 #getyourfactsright Linda
— yvonnenelsons lawyer (@Aleemarquis_Gh) January 7, 2014
@lauraikeji u r jst irritating,annoying and pathetic!Go get a life!Stop tryin hard to b known! Jst shut d fuck up! Bitch! Drama queen!
— Gabriella (@AtobiGaby) January 7, 2014
@lauraikeji u go and rest.No one asked u to add ur own.
— iphy (@lfyene) January 7, 2014
Dear Linda Ikeji I think you owe Yvonne Nelson an apology you goofed got the facts wrong Yvonne herself may not even be able to confirm yet if she was going to be cast in this movie as your write up says fees are even just being negotiated.
Anyways #myopinion.
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