Hmmmm so these days everyone seems to be fair or so it seems I might be wrong..I stumbled on a piece on Gluthathione on another blog which I reblogged on here but since then my stats have been coming up on searches for gluthatione and where to buy in Nigeria or how to use the pills, I even got mails from people who thought I knew where they could buy.
To the best of my Knowledge Gluthathione was formulated for medical conditions like Cancer,used in suplemments and sometimes for plants and even wine making.
And soon people realised gluthathione could as well enhance and give you an even fairer skin tone. So gluthatione pills,powders,soaps are probably lying in people's beauty closets at the minute.
So considering this new interest of people in this and the searches and mails I have received I want to know what people's experiences are,the side effects they have felt and if these products are actually available in Nigeria
Please kindly share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section.
P.s ; Disclaimer alert-I am not promoting anything&am not intending to become fair anytime soon*
Pls where can I get dem